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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Smoke-screens by Jack T. Chick

This incredibly good book was brought to my attention by a dear Christian brother in Houston, TX. I do hope many will take their time to read it! It tells you how naive it is we have been not watching for the wolves in sheep's clothing, mainly, the Devil himself!

Book cover


by Jack T. Chick

© 1983 Jack T. Chick
Reproduced by Permissi



  1. The Wafer God
  2. The Hand of Rome
  3. A 20th Century Inquisition
  4. The Whore of Revelation
  5. Another Gospel
  6. Cover Up
  7. Show Biz
  8. The Fallen Idol
  9. Betrayed?
  10. The Richest Man on Earth?
  11. Blueprint for Catholic America




My deepest appreciation to Dr. Alberto Rivera for his help in awakening us to the dangers facing the believers in Christ.
Jack T. Chick

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. What you are going to read in this book is absolutely devastating. The information and the facts we're going to present are going to change your life. Be patient with me and please follow through to the end of the book. You'll never be the same.

Most of you know from studying your Bibles that Satan will build a false superchurch ... the whore of Revelation, chapters 6, 13, 17 and 18. According to Bible prophecy, she will have great political, economic, military, and educational power, and she will persecute and murder the true believers in Christ.

I always used to wonder how Satan would be able to pull this off right under Christians' noses without them being aware of what was happening, and fighting back. But Satan is the master deceiver and I am beginning to see how he has cleverly set up smokescreens to hide the identity of the whore from the majority of Christian believers.

Let me explain what I mean by a smokescreen. In warfare, you have enemy action. When they're moving in, they set up a smokescreen. And the smoke confuses everyone so that you don't know where your enemies are. That's one technique. The other is a fifth column where you have a country that's about to fall. So you send in agents and they wear the people down saying it's hopeless, or saying, no, the enemy isn't really going to attack. And they in a sense, put up their own smokescreens to confuse the issue before the assault comes.

I believe an assault is coming by the whore of Revelation. I believe they are setting up smokescreens, and that there are others within the Christian community that are setting up smokescreens. Now, we believe at Chick Publications, that the whore of Revelation is the Roman Catholic Institution. Our position is not something new. During the Reformation you had men like Martin Luther, John Knox, Calvin, a great number of them, and then the great preachers like Moody, Finney, Spurgeon and so on, they all believed the same thing, that the Vatican was the whore. It wasn't until lately that things have changed.

You see, the Jesuits influenced people and they started setting up smokescreens during our times, through our theological seminaries, and when that smokescreen came up we started seeing the whore of Revelation in a different light. They said, "Oh, no, this is something coming in the future." Or, "That happened 'way back in the past.'" This is done to confuse the Christians. Today, many people believe this. They have been beguiled like I was when I first listened to some of these people. It was a clever smokescreen. I was confused at first, but now I see the whore in her fullness, and it is scary.

I want to show you in this book some of her activities in the past, what she's doing today and what her ultimate goal is for the future. Some will be overwhelmed when they hear this message, but I believe with all my heart that this information must be told. People must be aware of what's going on and how Satan is working to destroy the work of God in these closing hours.

There has been a multi-million dollar campaign made through the media to convince people that I am a bigoted, anti-Catholic, hate literature publisher. And do you know something. They have been very effective in convincing people that this is what I am. The truth is, I love the Catholic people enough to risk my life and my business to reach them with the gospel of Christ to pull them out of the false religious system they're now serving. I know what this system has done in the past and what it is planning for the future. I believe you'll understand when I've finished this message, where I'm coming from. But before we get started, let's go into prayer.

Dear heavenly Father and Lord, we come before you, and we thank you, Father, for Calvary, and for your finished work, Lord, for the terrible price you paid for our sins so that we could be taken into the beloved. Father, we thank you that we can come before the throne of grace in boldness, and that you're a God who hears and answers prayer, Lord. That you protect and love, and watch over us. In Jesus' name we bind the forces of darkness surrounding anyone reading this book, and we loosen the angels of God to protect them against the attacks of satanic forces. I pray You will open their spiritual eyes and give them wisdom that they may understand. I bind any critical or self-righteous spirit in any of the readers, in Jesus' name. Lord, help us to be broken before you as we turn to you for our help. And Lord, we pray that as a result of this book, souls will be saved across this land, that a fire will start to burn in the hearts of Christians, that they will see who their enemy is, how Satan is moving and know how to combat it, Lord. In Jesus' name, we ask your help to win the victory over the powers of darkness. Open the eyes and ears of those who are reading, Father. Touch them and let them realize what's coming upon this earth. Let us be faithful, Lord, in your service. In Jesus' precious name, we pray. Amen.


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