SORRY TO SAY THE JESUS-IS-SAVIOR WEBSITE TEMPORARILY DOWN. Nevertheless, the lists here provided give one an idea of who qualified to be on it!
Wolves in the Sheep's Pen!
Wolf News ![]() "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" — Matthew 7:15
Ecumenical Movement
Ecumenism: The doctrine of the ecumenical movement promoting cooperation and better understanding among different religious denominations; aimed at universal Christian unity. The result is always compromise and apostasy!
Billy Graham
Jerry Falwell
More on the Moonies Sex Cult!
The Bible warned that these false prophets would come. Satan has infiltrated the professed church with man-made traditions and false doctrines!!!
"For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers ... Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake."
—Titus 1:10,11
Charismatic Movement
Harry Potter
“For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears.” —2nd Timothy 4:3
Promise Keepers
Santa Claus
Slumbering Dogs, Greedy Dogs
“But there were false prophets also among the people, teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.”
—2nd Peter 2:1
We are living in an evil generation of trendy compromised Christianity that condones abortion and embraces homosexuality. It is apostasy! These evil false prophets are more interested in pleasing and appeasing the media and proud defiant sinners, than in obeying God.
So-Called "Christians" Which ALL Christians Should Avoid!!!
Martin Luther
Martin Luther King Jr.
Doing the Right Thing...
Please understand that I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather—to expose unbiblical teachings, false prophets and lies that lead people away from God and into Hell forever. The issue is not about the false teachers personally; but rather, about the heresies they publicly promote, teach and attempt to legitimatize. Exposing false ministers is the right thing to do, and the only way to do so is by shining the Light of God's inspired Word upon their teachings.
(John 5:39)
Roman Catholicism
“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves ... For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.” (Matthew 7:15; 2nd Corinthians 11:13).
Worldly Entertainers
Financial Scams
False Doctrines
Homosexual Modernists
Psychology and Psychiatry
(Man's Answer for Sin and Demon Possession)
"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." — Philippians 2:5
“Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter” (Isaiah 56:11)
TV and Radio Imposters
"For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works."
—2nd Corinthians 11:13-15
Benny Hinn
Hank Hanegraaff
James and Betty Robison
James Dobson
John MacArthur
Kenneth Copeland
Mike Murdock
Oprah Winfrey
Pat Robertson
Ray Comfort
Robert Schuller
More Heretics and Imposters
The popular trend of our day is to talk about spirituality without the Word of God, to talk about salvation without being born again, and to offer hope without Jesus Christ.
Embracing Ecumenism... Christians seem to totally forget that they are followers of the Man who called the Pharisees white-washed tombs filled with dead-men's bones (Matthew 23:27), and drove the money-changers out of the temple by force with a whip (John 2:15). We are students of the Apostle Paul, who called down God's curse on anyone who preaches a different Gospel (Galatians 1:9). Listen to what the Apostle Peter says about GREEDY televangelists..."And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." —2nd Peter 2:3
Satan's Purpose—Exposing Rick Warren's Purpose-Driven Movement as an Illuminati CFR Scheme to End Christianity and Set Up Satan's Ultimate Global Religion...Shocking evidence that the Marxist, Jewish neo-con controlled Council on Foreign Relations has recruited top evangelicals Pastor Rick Warren, Southern Baptist leader Richard Land, and others in its seedy campaign to foster a globalist religion devoid of any New Testament spirituality. Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Movement, borrowed right out of the pages of Lucis Trust and New Age organizing manuals and textbooks, is designed to totally rip the heart out of true Biblical Christianity.
The whole planet is now being groomed for a diverse, new faith, based on the sacredness of all religions, the despoiling of Christianity, individual greed, environmental insanity, and sensual partying and celebration. Babylonian hedonism and sodomy are going to be enthroned in a diabolical orgy of religious ecstasy, all orchestrated by the Illuminati. —Pastor Texe Marrs
Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy. When it went to Rome, it became an organization. When it spread throughout Europe, it became a culture. When it came to America, it became a business!
Are many world-famous, celebrity televangelists and preachers Satan worshippers in disguise? Watch as Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis, Benny Hinn, John Avanzini, Rodney Howard-Browne, Jerry Savelle, and others give the "El Diablo" horned devil in public. Hear some actually praise their Master, Satan. Judge the evidence for yourself. But be prepared to be shocked out of your mind when you see these startling things!
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- Martin Luther's "Large Catechism" concerning Baptism (If you really want to get sleepy, read this garbage. He says that no one can become a Christian apart from the two Sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Communion. Of course, this is a lie! I seriously doubt Martin Luther's salvation.)
- Martin Luther's Devotion to Mary (Martin Luther said, "Our prayer should include the Mother of God…What the Hail Mary says is that all glory should be given to God." This is idolatry no matter what they say. To pray to Mary is NOT taught anywhere in the Bible! Danger!!!)
- Martin Luther Taught the Confessional Sacrament (Martin Luther said, "a person receives absolution or forgiveness from the confessor, as if from God Himself.")
- Martin Luther Taught the Holy Communion Sacrament (Martin Luther said, "the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation are given to us through these words in the sacrament.")
- Martin Luther Taught Baptismal Regeneration (Martin Luther said, "In Baptism God forgives sin." Click HERE for a different version. Note that this is from Luther's "Small Catechism" writings.)
- Lutheran Misconceptions of Baptism Refuted (baptism is NOT supposed to be a Sacrament, it's just an ordinance—not a means of forgiveness! Infant "baby" baptism is not found in the Bible, it's ridiculous.)
- Martin Luther (One might find it surprising that Martin Luther should be included here, but he deserves his spot on this infamous list. He said that salvation was by faith alone, but he did not mean what he said. He added that salvation must be "through baptism!" In his catechism he taught that baptism gives the forgiveness of sins, redeems one from death, and bestows eternal salvation.)
- Martin Luther King Jr. EXPOSED! (Learn the truth about a sinister minister who denied Christ's virgin birth, deity and bodily resurrection. King worked with Communists and promoted a Social Gospel of compromise and ecumenicalism. Hero?)
- Listen on MP3 to Pastor James Knox expose Martin Luther King, Jr. for the unsaved heathen man he really was. FBI files are sealed on King until 2027, Why? Brother Knox DOCUMENTS everything. You can't argue with facts!―Scary Communist conspiracy details, listen on MP3).
(John 5:39)
- What about Vatican 2? (a new direction for the Catholic Church?)
- The Current Catechism (official Catholic teaching) Compared to the Bible ("Understanding Roman Catholicism," online book by Rick Jones, 37 great chapters)
- Answers To My Catholic Friends (online book by Thomas F. Heinze)
- Was Mother Theresa a Christian? (written before she died)
- Mother Teresa (Loyal servant of Satan and his antichrist.
- Carman | POD Exposed | TobyMac
Financial Scams
- Wade "Cook" Financial Seminars? (Beware!!! Wade's book, "Business Buy The Bible," claims that we're all supposed to be FINANCIALLY rich as believers. This is more of the health, wealth and prosperity garbage that are making these guys filthy rich. Lazarus was a saved man, but he was poor—Luke 16:20. Joseph and Mary were poor, they didn't have a lamb to offer as a sacrifice—Luke 2:24. God never promised to make us financially rich. Living for God is a sure way to stay poor, ask the Apostle Paul. "Six days shalt thou work"—Exodus 23:12. 1st Timothy 6:10 is still in the King James Bible folks!)
- Top 10 financial Scams (many believers are being spiritually ruined by financial scams)
- Lawyers are Liars! (with few exceptions)
- Lordship Salvation (by Dr. Jack Hyles)
- Lordship Salvation Exposed (by DJS)
- Making a Commitment Heresy (by DJS)
- The Lordship Salvation Controversy (You only need to trust Jesus as your Savior to be saved!)
- Should you only baptize in Jesus' name? (treatise on the "Jesus Only" people)
- Baptismal Regeneration (C.H. Spurgeon)
- Investigative Judgment (SDA heresy!)
- Foundation (A Magazine of Biblical Fundamentalism (July/August 1996) - special on the Charismatic Movement).
- Sermons Exposing Speaking in Tongues (by Pastor James W. Knox)
- The Pentecostal Error (Charismatic error!)
Homosexual Modernists
- Marsha Stevens (B.A.L.M.)
- Anita Cadonau (Christian Lesbian Living)
- Kittredge Cherry (Jesus In Love)
- Psycho Heresy Awareness Ministries ((God's Word + Psychology = Psychoheresy)
- Should Christians Go to Psychiatrists? (from my heart)
- Psychiatry: the 5th column ("mental health professionals" are witchdoctors)
- Miserable Comforters (people can really get you down)
- The Following Biblical doctrines are ignored by man's psychology:
- Miracle of Prayer (not a therapy)
- Godly Affliction (it is good)
- The Impervious Sinner (man's sin)
- Failing Educational System (a nightmare!)
- Bitterness (how to Biblically deal with it)
- Relationships (Christian answers)
- Christian Living (verses worldly living)
- Carnal Christians (no friend of God!)
- James Dobson's Gospel of Self-Esteem and Psychology (show me how to be saved on his website)
- Stick in the Mud (demonic psychology)
- Find an Independent Baptist Church Near You (forget the shrink, find a man of God!)
- Dear Idiots! ("Dear Annie" homewreckers)
The Many Faces of Benny Hinn
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