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Thursday, March 11, 2010


I was privileged to share a heart-stirring letter this afternoon! No words need be added to it for anyone to absorb the full impact it had on me as a former Roman Catholic! I pray with all my heart that you understand it, and share it with anyone who finds themselves still burdened by the Law! The letter was addressed to Richard Bennett, with whom you were acquainted through my previous posts.

Richard Bennett's website:

Thank you, Dave, for sharing it with me!


Dear Richard,

Thank you for this website! I am a Franciscan University graduate, who studied under Scott Hahn and other various "famous" professors in Steubenville. I graduated in 1997. I wasn't a theology major, but did have a class with Dr. Hahn and other theology professors. I studied catholic apologetics for years and was apart of a catholic prayer group with many on-fire Catholics.

When I went to Steubenville I thought I would lose my faith all together. It was very legalistic and it was hard for me to find friends who wouldn't talk about church law and encyclicals. There were 3 masses a day you could attend and if you didn't go to mass, people sort of judged you for it.

I almost left the school, thinking I'd be more comfortable with the worldly people I used to waitress with than to the religious people at Steubenville. It was clear the Lord wanted me to stay and out of obedience I came back after Spring break.

When I returned to Steubenville for a new semester I met my husband! So I knew that was why I was supposed to return.This was a surprise and a joy. Part of the shock was because most of the male population at Steubenville were very feminine. I don't know for sure, but I was convinced many of the men were gay and were cloaking their orientation with religiosity. Dating on campus was scarce because most of the men were "discerning the priesthood." I thought it was unhealthy because it was very hard to find honest was all masked with religion, rules and piety. So finding my wonderful, normal European husband was a joy..and he was a real man..not the wimpy type like all the other guys. Before he attended Steubenville he was in seminary to become a priest. He realized this wasn't his call, so he came to Steubenville to finish his education.

I also became very sick due to misdiagnosed Lyme disease during this time in which it was very hard for me to walk. I became sicker and sicker. Despite my illness, my husband and I got married in 1997. I had a baby and then became so sick I was bedridden for years. During this time, Catholic friends would say how lucky I was to suffer, so I could save souls or they would call me asking me to use my suffering for them so their prayers would be granted. This really bothered me and was mad at God for wanting me to suffer. I rejected the whole "offering up" agenda and felt alienated from the Lord.

My husband and I struggled for years with the birth control issue. It was imperative that I did not get pregnant. At this point I could not walk at all and on crutches or in a wheel chair. We were also afraid as some doctors thought the disease could possibly be transmitted sexually. Under all the stress, the thought of having to withhold from each other because the church said it was a mortal sin was very trying. Every time we would come together we had major fear we were in sin (if we used birth control) or if we didn't use any protection we were in fear he would get sick or I would become pregnant. This fear went on for years. After praying about it, we decided it was more important for us to be joined together and lay it all at His feet. Still, in the back of our minds we had questions. I talked to several priests who told me to use birth control. I talked to a dear friend of mine about it at the time and she told me I need to talk to a bishop ?! This friend then told all of my catholic friends I was using birth control in which I felt judged by everyone. At this point (and still now) I was full time in an electric scooter.

I was starting to get fed up and felt suffocated under all of the rules I had to keep. During this time, I started to get involved in politics and researching. I went to school to become an investigative reporter and I got very involved in studying world happenings, politics and the like. I learned all about the New World Order and how evil it was. This seemed to line up with Scripture in the book of Revelation about the coming world government. For years I read the news daily along with what the Vatican was saying. I studied global warming (how it was a bunch of lies), the United Nations (their Luciferian beginnings and the works of Madame Blavasky). I realized that the Vatican praised and supported the U.N. How could this be? I realized that the church wanted world government after reading the recent encyclical (charity in truth). I read how Pope John Paul 2 had an interfaith service allowing bare breasted women on the alter and allowing Buddha to be put on the alter and worshiped!!! Every day I would check the news and see how the Pope was urging nations to sign the Copenhagen treaty which would erode USA sovereignty, how he was calling for wealth distribution. .. These were all RED FLAGS.

Three weeks ago, my husband, son and I went to a bible believing church. We have be psychologically distancing ourselves from the catholic church. It is VERY painful and at the same time liberating. We have been filled with joy reading the word and devouring it like we've never eaten in our lives. We are still struggling and yet filled with joy. It is very beautiful to rely on Christ alone. There are no insurance plans of the sacraments, which makes the relationship with him very sincere and personal. Our relationship is directly with him, not THROUGH the church.

As I am sure you know the psychological process is painful when you have believed something your whole life and then move in another direction. Still, we are confident that the Lord will guide us. And how wonderful my husband and I are in one accord, completely unified in our searching and understanding! We do not think this is a coincidence.

I just wanted to thank you for this website. It has really ministered to me over the past few months. Although we haven't completely made the break from the catholic church, we are heading in that direction even though it is extremely painful. I am sure the Lord will guide us.

Thank you again for all you do to bring the Gospel of Christ to others!

In Him
(name omitted to protect individual's privacy)




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