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Christ and the Pope
A Contrast compiled by Professor Arthur Noble
Professor Arthur Noble
Affixed to a column at the corner of the Orsini Palace in Rome at the beginning of the sixteenth century was the following comparison between Christ and the Pope:
- Christ said: "My kingdom is not of this world." The Pope conquers cities by force.
- Christ had a crown of thorns. The Pope wears a triple diadem.
- Christ washed the feet of his disciples. The Pope has his kissed by kings.
- Christ paid tribute. The Pope takes it.
- Christ fed the sheep. The Pope shears them for his own profit.
- Christ was poor. The Pope wishes to be master of the world.
- Christ carried on His shoulders the cross. The Pope is carried on the shoulders of his servants in liveries of gold.
- Christ despised riches. The Pope has no other passion than for gold.
- Christ drove out the merchants from the temple. The Pope welcomes them.
- Christ preached peace. The Pope is the torch of war.
- Christ was meekness. The Pope is pride personified.
- Christ promulgated laws that the Pope tramples underfoot.
[Quoted by Jeremiah J. Crowley: Romanism. A Menace to the Nation. Aurora, Missouri, 1912, p. 205.]
Christ knew no sin. Scores of the self-styled 'Vicars of Christ' – the professing 'Holy Fathers' – were so depraved and base that they left a history of adultery, bribery, debauchery, drunkenness, fornication, incest, murder, perversion, rape, seduction, simony, sodomy, treachery and whoredom. After a visit to Rome, the great Italian poet Dante described the Vatican as a "sewer of corruption". [Quoted in Ralph Woodrow: Babylon. Mystery Religion. Riverside, California, 1966, p. 94f.]
Christ told his followers to keep the commandments. The Popes have methodically broken them all. Instead of practising "Thou shall not kill", Innocent III (1198-1216) not only surpassed all his predecessors in killing, but founded the most devilish institution in history – the Inquisition, which for over five hundred years was used by his successors to maintain their power against those who did not agree with the teachings of the Romish Church. It is estimated that that Church, throughout history, has been responsible for the wilful slaughter of over 100 million people.
Christ preached: "Blessed are the peacemakers." Pope Julius II (1503-13) had a passion for war bordering on frenzy. His pontificate was a perpetual war, and Europe knew no peace during the period of his life. One may easily imagine the state of the Church under a Vicar of Christ who spent his time in a camp, amidst the clash of arms, and who knew no other glory than that procured in war or the pillage of a town. His successors have faithfully carried on the belligerent tradition, supporting dictators and stirring up strife to achieve their corrupt aims.
Non-Roman-Catholic countries are being brainwashed today into believing that the nature and aims of the Roman Pontiff and his Church are not what they used to be; but Rome is ever and everywhere semper eadem, always the same. As she was throughout past centuries, so she remains today, except that she is now playing politics more astutely than she was previously.
So it is that Mangasarian, warning of Rome's thirst for American blood, states the following as "the verdict of history":
- Where the priests are free, the people are slaves!
- Where the priests are rich, the people are poor!
- Where the priests teach, the people are ignorant!
- Where the priests prosper, progress is paralysed!
- Where the priests lead, they lead into misery, bondage, poverty, superstition, persecution – ruin!
[Quoted by Crowley, p. 203.]
The nineteenth-century English politician, essayist, poet, and historian Lord Macaulay, best known for his 5-volume History of England, memorably described the Papal system when he wrote:
"The experience of twelve hundred eventful years, the ingenuity and patient care of forty generations of statesmen, have improved the polity [of the Church of Rome] to such perfection that, among the contrivances that have been devised for deceiving and oppressing mankind, it occupies the highest place." [Quoted by Crowley, p. 203.]
Today, as ever, the same 'Vicar of Christ', 'Our Lord God the Pope', 'King of Heaven, Earth and Hell', while claiming to represent the lowly and humble Nazarene, still wears a triple crown of priceless value and robes resplendent with jewels! As Crowley has well said [p. 205]: "Christ had not whereon to lay His head. The Pope dwells in a Palace of four thousand rooms! What a mockery! What a delusion! What a snare is Popery!"
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