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Dear friends of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry,
Over the past four weeks we have had the privilege to minister to the saints from Denver to Boston to Minneapolis to Phoenix. What a joy it has been to proclaim our Lord's Gospel from one end of the country to the other! As we celebrate Reformation Day on the 31st, please forward this message to anyone who needs to be reminded why God delivered the Reformers out of spiritual darkness and deception.
Let Us Never Forget The Reformation
As more and more evangelicals embrace Roman Catholics as brothers and sisters in Christ, we must wonder if they think the 16th Reformation was a mistake or a protest that was unnecessary. Chuck Colson recently reported that 470,000 evangelicals have now signed The Manhattan Declaration. The document seeks unity among Catholics, Orthodox and Evangelicals as co-belligerents in the ongoing cultural wars. We all agree the battles for religious freedom, the sanctity of marriage and protection of the unborn are of utmost importance, but they should never be fought to the detriment or compromise of the Gospel. Yet, that is exactly what the document does. It dares to imply that Roman Catholics, Orthodox, and evangelicals are all Christians and are united in a common faith. One of the implications is given in the statement: "Like those who have gone before us in the faith, Christians today are called to proclaim the Gospel of costly grace." In a recent radio interview, Mr. Colson repeatedly referred to the document as a means to defend the truths of the Gospel.
Evangelical leaders who have signed the accord may not know how diametrically opposed the Roman Catholic distortion of the Gospel is to the Gospel of grace. Those who preach the Catholic plan of salvation are under the same divine condemnation as the Judaizers who believed in Jesus, but distorted the Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9). The apostle Paul did not seek unity with them, instead he defended the purity of the Gospel of grace, a stand every Christian should take. The requirements for salvation in the Roman Catholic religion are more numerous than the distorted gospel of the Judaizers. Catholics must be baptized, receive the sacraments, keep the law, do good works, perform indulgences, participate in the sin offering of the Eucharistic "Jesus" on their altars and eat His Burn at Stakebody and drink His blood. Even when a Catholic does his/her best to meet these requirements, their religion offers no assurance of salvation. It was for this reason the Reformers proclaimed "Sola Scriptura" (Scripture Alone); "Sola Gratia" (Grace Alone); "Sola Fide" (Faith Alone); "Solus Christus" (Christ Alone); and "Soli Deo Gloria" (To God Alone Be Glory). It was also for this reason many were brutally tortured, savagely beaten and hideously burned at the stake by orders from the papacy.
Evangelical leaders who have signed the accord may also not be aware the ongoing strategy of the Roman Catholic religion to unite all Christians under the power and influence of the papacy. Since its Decree on Ecumenism at Vatican Council II in 1965, the Vatican has initiated an all out effort to bring all "separated brethren" back home to Rome. One of their most effective strategies, over the last 16 years, has been to recruit highly visible, highly influential evangelical leaders to help reverse the Reformation. Unity accords, such as Evangelicals and Catholics Together and The Manhattan Declaration have proven to be highly successful in persuading evangelicals to put their stamp of approval on Roman Catholicism as a valid expression of Christianity.
The negative fallout from these accords has been widespread. There is now much confusion within the evangelical camp about Roman Catholicism. Many don't know if the religion should be treated as a huge mission field or just another Christian denomination. The most heartbreaking consequence I have witnessed was a quote by the senior pastor of Irving Bible Church in Texas. In the church's monthly magazine of May 2005 he wrote: "The rift that occurred between Catholics and Protestants 500 years ago is theological pettiness. It is just plain silly to write each other off as far as true Christianity is concerned. We'll have plenty of time in Heaven to figure out who was right about Purgatory and Mary." He said John Paul was "a Man of God...whom all Christians should admire, thank and emulate."
As evangelical leaders influence others to reverse or dismiss the Reformation, we must contend more earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. Let us speak the truth in love and faithfully proclaim the Gospel of grace for the glory of our great Savior and the purity of His Gospel.
Prophecy and the Pope
Mike's message on DVD reveals the strategy of the papacy to bring all Christians home to Rome for the "fullness of salvation." Throughout the centuries Roman Catholic "saints" and mystics have predicted the pope will convert the world to Catholicism and a great Catholic monarch will rule the world. Remarkably their strategy for ecumenical unity is a glimpse of the coming one-world religion revealed in Bible prophecy. This Prophecy & Popemessage will encourage you to rescue Roman Catholics from religious deception, and also to stand firm on the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. The DVD's second message is entitled Tinkering With the Gospel. Mike is interviewed by Dr. David Regain of Lamb and Lion Ministry. He gives a clear presentation of the true Gospel and then shows how it is distorted by those who deny the necessity and sufficiency of Jesus Christ. To order a copy: Click
Give Away the Greatest Gift This Holiday Season
We are fast approaching the season known for the giving and receiving of gifts. You would have to agree, this is a wonderful time to let people know how to receive the greatest gift every given by the greatest man who ever lived. It is indeed the greatest news that a sinnner sGreat Newseeking forgiveness could ever hear. The Greatest Gift tract has become our most popular Gospel tract because it contains only God's Word. Man's words are void of power, but the word of God has the power to convert the soul.
The tract is divided into six categories: God's Perfection, Man's Problem, God's Provision, Man's Part, God's Promise and Man's Privilege. The last line of the tract gives Paul's explicit warning from
2 Corinthians 6:2: "How will you escape if you neglect so great a salvation?' Send the tract along with your Christmas cards and gifts and pray our sovereign Lord will open hearts to receive His message with joy! Order a supply of them today by calling us at 972-495-0485. Click
Three Dimensional Bible Study: March 9th - 17th
IsraelTourDon't miss this wonderful opportunity to experience the Holy Land with Mike and Jane Gendron. They will be leading another group to the land of the Bible March 9 - 17.
Jerusalem has been named one of the world's top-10 travel destinations for culture and sight-seeing. Trip Advisor reports a 26 per cent increase in visitors to Israel in April over the past year. Pray about joining us for this three-dimensional Scripture study with visits to scores of biblical sites in Israel. Your life will be blessed beyond what you could ask or imagine as you walk where Jesus and the apostles walked.
You will also gain a deeper understanding of God's Word and enjoy fellowship you will cherish forever. It is easy to hold your space while you make plans.
Call us at (972) 495-0485 for a four-color brochure or visit our website, click:
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Proclaiming the Gospel and Mike Gendron now have two different Facebook pages that you can visit to keep up with the ministry.
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Mike Gendron
Proclaiming The Gospel
(972) 495-0485
PO Box 940871, Plano, TX 75094
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