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Sunday, January 16, 2011

7 Reasons For A House Church by Bryan Denlinger

This is an awesomely instructional sermon! Click on following link:

Then just place pointer on the sermon and click to open and/or download!

More sermon details:

What do you do when you can't seem to find any good churches in your area? Millions of Christians around the world are struggling with that very question.

In this sermon we look first at what the bible says about house churches versus "church" buildings. How did the early Christians meet? Did the word "church" refer to a building or to people? We look at 7 reasons why Christians should meet in houses, as the Lord intended!

In the second part of this sermon, we look at 7 things you can do to start your own house church. As things get worse here in America with the recent passing of hate crime laws, Christians seriously need to start returning to the bible way of meeting apart from the world.

A high quality cd of this sermon is available at:


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