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Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Ah! Here something about which I could write volumes, so many have been the so-called "coincidences" in my life!

The last time was a few weeks ago when I had been sent to do soul-winning, by myself (by "pastor" Matthew Furan from Calvary Baptist Church of Niagara - you see, I had been "pestering" him to use the 6-DVD/CD Duplicator we had just gotten to make copies of sermons with which to go soul-winning, which he simply NEVER did allow that I make -- this STAND ALONE duplicator gotten in the church on August 23, in the morning, had as yet not been used as late as the day I last attended, September 29, 2011!! All I needed was an electric wall plug and a CD with his sermon. I had already provided 200 blank CDs, envelopes and labels! I was in such a fever to do this soul-winning, especially while the weather was still good, of which I reminded him, often! But no, getting a couch for the entry, which was most unnecessary, and dumping historic pictures that told of the church's history into a closet out of the way, to be replaced by some idiotic picture of a lion to have been foremost in his mind, at the time! He gave me the card to get me off his back, so to say "You want soul-winning? Here! Go do it!" What a shepherd, indeed! He was to have taught me how to do the soul-winning face-to-face! Other than placing materials on the door handles and windshields of cars, I had done no face-to-face soul-winning with strangers! I was so looking forward for this "course" he'd promised!!) in what turned out to be a very bad neighborhood. I was very scared, and could not get out of the car. Thus, I circled around several blocks, asking God what should I do, and to protect me. I did not want to seem to be a quitter.

Finally, I took courage and got to the filthy porch where there was a lady who seems to be zoned out on something. I realized it was upstairs that I had to go. While hesitating, up pulls FEDEX for the same apartment, where it turned out the lady was not home! (When I attempted to give back the card with the lady's name on it his response was, verbatim, "Keep it! I will have someone go with you next time!!" Indeed, "someone" but not him! NEVER HIM FOR SOUL-WINNING IS NOT WHAT HE EVER DID, with the exception of the week during Vacation Bible Study as a "show" to the church group who was here helping out, no more than a a pretense! These, later, sent him a "love offering!" Yes! Money! All for which this wolf in sheep's clothing cares!)

Coincidence? Not a chance! It is but the artful hand of God I have come to trust, unequivocally, arranging the events in my life!

Praise God!

Dear Father,
I thank You that there is no such thing as luck

because You are so intimately involved in the creation.
Help me to cleanse my mind and speech
of the pagan ideas of chance and luck.
In Jesus' Name

Somebody Angry?

BereanBeacon | November 17, 2010

Somebody Angry? -

Psalm 148:7-8 "Praise the LORD from the earth, You great sea creatures and all the depths; fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling His word..."

Is there any such thing as chance or luck? Does anything ever happen randomly? Many people don't realize that the Bible speaks to these questions.

In late August 1992, a tornado swept through a small Wisconsin town and caused a great deal of destruction. That made it newsworthy enough. However, the destruction it wrought on one church in town received special notice on some national newscasts. Pictures showed the church in ruins. But the altar still stood, barely visible in the rubble. Most astonishing was the fact that the Bible still stood on its stand in its customary place on the altar. The undamaged Bible was open to where Psalm 77 reads,

"The clouds poured out water, the skies sent out a sound; your arrows also flashed about. The voice of your thunder was in the whirlwind; the lightnings lit up the world; the earth trembled and shook."

Does that sound like chance?

In Matthew 10, Jesus tells us that God is so involved in His creation that not one of the billions of sparrows in the world falls to the ground without His knowledge. Psalm 148 tells us that the entire creation praises God in everything that happens. God is so personally involved in the creation that He even instructs each wind about the speed and direction to take.

Was it simply luck that the altar was spared and the Bible was open to Psalm 77? God is involved in every detail of the creation. Let's praise God that there is no such thing as luck!

Dear Father, I thank You that there is no such thing as luck because You are so intimately involved in the creation. Help me to cleanse my mind and speech of the pagan ideas of chance and luck. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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