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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Pope Visits U.K., Pitches Return to Mother Church - THE CATHOLIC INQUISITION

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"Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Gal. 4:16

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Pope Visits U.K., Pitches Return to Mother Church
Issue Date: November/December 2010

The pope's recent visit to the United Kingdom was met with mixed reaction. The wide abuse of adolescent boys by the sodomite priests is still an open wound. Cases are still trudging through the courts. Street protests faulted the pope for his foot-dragging on this issue.

The pope's beatification of John Henry Newman during his visit also rankled with those who remember that he, as a turncoat, led 800 people into Catholicism when he “converted” from protestant to Roman Catholic. (See Did the Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? by David Daniels, pp 115-117 and 147.)

The Vatican has hated Great Britain for over 500 years, ever since the Reformers ripped England from the pope's clutches. In the midst of the Reformation, England produced the King James Bible that broke the yoke of superstition and ignorance that popery had held over Europe for the thousand-year-long “dark ages.” That same Reformation spawned the New World which God prospered to fulfill the prophecy that the Gospel would be preached to all nations. (See Matt. 24:14.)

Until the beginning of the 20th century, Britain was a fountainhead of world missionary activity. As God prospered the United States, the gospel also began to flow from it around the world.

But the devil's lies also began to spread. These lies originated in Europe by men who refused the gospel during the Reformation. Determined to avoid any dealings with their Creator, they bought into the lies of evolution, atheism, humanism, socialism, materialism, tolerance for sin, etc. Thus, in the last hundred years, Britain has followed Europe into this spiritual desert.

The pope's visit was bold. He reminded a gathering of 2000 “protestant” (mostly Anglican) churchmen, that he was the “successor to the Apostle Peter,” and that unity of the church “…can never be other than a unity in the apostolic faith.” In other words, since Jesus made Peter the first pope, (a perversion of Matt. 16:13-19), Benedict, as his successor, is now in charge of the church on the earth, including all those rebellious “separated brethren” (Protestants). And, to accomplish the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17, everyone must come, bow to the pope and kiss his ring in submission.

Any pope making such outrageous claims a hundred years ago would have been ridden out of London on a rail. Instead, British royalty threw open the doors to Parliament and gave him a bully pulpit in Westminster Abby, seat of the (Protestant) Anglican denomination.

He strode triumphantly over the hallowed spots where hundreds of the Reformation leaders were tied to posts and torched to death by the popes' inquisitors. And the national media made sure the glory of his every move was covered over and over again for the populace.

Vatican leaders know that, if they can woo Britain back to Rome, Europe is theirs. Last year, when the Anglican/Episcopal people were in heated dispute over their new sodomite bishops, the pope rolled out the welcome mat to any of them who wished to “come back to Mother Church,” even including married priests. The Vatican is officially against homosexuality, but her priesthood is riddled with sodomite priests.

Having dumped the Bible, Europeans are now at the mercy of Satan's wolves. And the pope is only one of them. See article on Islam.

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Catholic Inquisition and The Torture Tools

w/ Portuguese Subtitles

BereanBeacon |

March 07, 2007

Most people have some knowledge of the holocaust. The 6 years of torture and atrocities that the Jews suffered under Hitler and the Nazis during the Second World War. While in no way downplaying the terrible events of the holocaust, such a massacre does not compare to the severity to the torture and murder that took place under Papal authority during the 605 years of the Inquisition. From the beginning of the Papacy, until the present time, it is estimated by credible historians that more than 50,000,000, men and women have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy charged against them by Papal Rome. This Video contains actual photographs of some of the instruments of torture that were used. Since we consider this Video on the Inquisition one of the more important message that we have given, please make it known to others, and if possible post the link on your own website.

Richard's Play List:

Quotes from Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy
"Impeccable Catholic sources, papal documents, letters of reforming saints, all paint the same depressing picture. Monasteries full of women; every friar had his 'Martha', every nun her lover. Bishops, in every sense the fathers of their people, kept harems."

"Young men who spent their youth in rape and adultery were rising in the ranks of the clergy. They were spending their nights with four or five women, then getting up in the morning — in what state, he leaves to the imagination — to celebrate mass."

" ... many monasteries were the haunts of homosexuals, many converts were brothels."

"As to the sex-starved secular clergy, they were so often accused of incest that they were at length forbidden even to have mothers, aunts or sisters living in their house."

"Promiscuity was rife in monasteries and convents. The great Ivo of Chartres (1040-1115) tells of whole convents with inmates who were nuns only in name. They had often been abandoned by their families and were really prostitutes."

"There also crept in the infamous cullagium, a charge for keeping concubines... bishops and archdeacons themselves benefited from this sex-tax; in Rome, it was the pope."

"In the year 1250, Bishop Grosseteste of Lincoln wrote to Pope Innocent IV. Of priests he said: 'They are in truth teachers of heresy, inasmuch as the word of action is mightier than the word of speech.' "

"In the year 1414, King Henry V asked the University of Oxford to prepare articles for the reform of the church. Article 39 began: 'Because the carnal and sinful life of priests today scandalizes the entire church and their public fornication goes completely unpunished ...' "

"In the parish of St John Zachary in London, there was a church service of a very remarkable kind. It provided a brothel exclusively for priests and nuns ..."

"St Alban's Abbey, for instance, was nothing but a den of prostitutes serving the local monks. Nuns were regularly raped therein and the entire place, in a phrase worth of Shakespeare, was 'a riot of seed and blood'..."

"The overall report (in England) said that 144 religious houses were equal in viciousness to Sodom; countless convents, served by 'lewd confessors', were full of children; clergy — abbots, monks and friars — were carrying on not merely with whores but with married women..."

"After six centuries of strenuous efforts to impose celibacy, the clergy were a menace to the wives and young women of parishes to which they were sent."

"Across the border lived Henry, Bishop of Liege. The man was a legend beyond his lifetime. Henry was finally deposed by Gregory X at the Council of Lyons in 1274 'for deflowering virgins and other mighty deeds'... He ended murdered by a Flemish knight who was outraged at what the bishop had done to his daughter."

"During Borgia's reign, the Florentine friar Savonarola said the nuns were worse than harlots. As to the clergy, 'one priest spends the night with his concubine, another with a little boy, and in the morning they proceed to the altar to celebrate Mass. What do you think of that? What do you make of such a Mass?' "

"The evil was too deeply rooted; the last opportunities for reform long lost... A proverb passes from mouth to mouth: 'The profession of the priest is the surest road to hell.' "

Lord Acton

Down load Inquisition video at File size is 3.65gb and may take 24 hours.

July 29, 2009

In Portuguese:

A maioria das pessoas têm um pouco de conhecimento do holocausto. Os 6 anos de tortura e atrocidades que os judeus sofreram sob o Hitler e os Nazis durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Enquanto subestimando os eventos terríveis do holocausto de maneira alguma, tal massacre não compara à severidade da tortura e assassinatos que aconteceram sob a autoridade Papal durante os 605 anos da Inquisição. Até o tempo presente, é calculado por historiadores acreditáveis, que foram matados mais que 50,000,000, homens e mulheres, para o crime de heresia carregados contra eles por Roma Papal, desde o princípio do Papado. Este Vídeo contém fotografias atuais de alguns dos instrumentos de tortura que eram usados. Considerando que nós consideramos este Vídeo sobre a Inquisição uma das mensagens mais importantes que nós temos dado, por favor, faça-o conhecido para outros, e se possível, poste a ligação (o link) na sua própria site da Web.

Citações de Vigários de Cristo: O Lado Negro do Papado

"Fontes Católicas impecáveis, documentos papais, cartas de reforma dos santos, todos pintam a mesma imagem deprimente. Mosteiros cheio de mulheres, cada frade tinha a sua 'Martha ', cada freira o seu amante. Bispos, que em todos os sentidos era o pai desse seu povo, mantiham haréns."
"Os jovens que passaram a sua juventude em estupro e adultério foram subindo na hierarquia do clero. Eles passavam as suas noites com quatro ou cinco mulheres, para em seguida, se levantarem de manhã -- em que estado, ele deixa para a imaginação -- para comemorar a Missa ".
"...muitos mosteiros foram os redutos de homossexuais, muitos conventos foram bordéis."
"Quanto ao clero secular sedentos de sexo, eram tantas vezes acusados de incesto que foram finalmente proibidos até mesmo de ter mães, tias ou irmãs que vivessem em sua casa."
"A promiscuidade era abundante em mosteiros e conventos. O grande Ivo de Chartres (1040-1115) fala de conventos com os 'presos' sendo freiras apenas em nome. Tinham sido muitas vezes abandonadas por suas famílias e eram realmente prostitutas."
"Nisso também penetrou o infame cullagium, uma taxa para manter concubinas ... bispos e archdeacons se beneficiaram deste imposto de sexo: em Roma, era o papa."
"No ano de 1250, Bishop Grosseteste de Lincoln escreveu ao Papa Inocêncio IV. dos sacerdotes, disse ele: 'Eles são na verdade professores de heresia, na medida em que a palavra de ação é mais poderosa que a palavra do discurso.' "
"No ano de 1414, o rei Henrique V solicitou à Universidade de Oxford para preparar artigos para a reforma da igreja. Artigo 39 começou: "Porque a vida carnal e pecaminosa dos sacerdotes hoje escandaliza toda a igreja e sua prostituição pública é totalmente impune...' "
"Na freguesia de St John Zachary em Londres, houve uma missa de um tipo muito notável. Constituiu um bordel exclusivo para padres e freiras..."
"St Alban's Abbey, por exemplo, não passava de um antro de prostitutas que serviam os monges locais. Freiras foram violadas regularmente nele e o lugar todo, numa frase valida de Shakespeare, era " uma festa de semente e sangue'..."
"O relatório completo (na Inglaterra), disse que 144 casas religiosas eram iguais em crueldade a Sodoma; inúmeros conventos, servido por "confessores lascivos ', estavam cheias de crianças; o clero -- abades, monges e frades -- tinham relações não apenas com prostitutas mas com as mulheres casadas ... "
"Depois de seis séculos de esforços árduos para impor o celibato, o clero era uma ameaça para as mulheres e as jovens das paróquias a que foram enviadas."
"Atravessando a fronteira vivia o Henry, Bispo de Liege. O homem era uma lenda além de sua vida. O Henry finalmente foi deposto por Gregório X, no Concílio de Lyon em 1274 'por deflorar virgens e outros feitos infames'... Ele acabou assassinado por um cavaleiro flamengo que estava indignado com o que o bispo tinha feito a sua filha. "
"Durante o reinado de Borgia, o florentino frade Savonarola dissera que as freiras eram piores do que prostitutas. Quanto ao clero, 'um sacerdote passa a noite com a sua concubina, outro com um garotinho, e na parte da manhã eles seguem para o altar para celebrar a Missa . O que você acha disso? O que você acha dessa Missa?' "
"O mal estava muito enraizada, a últimas oportunidades para a reforma há muito tempo perdido... Há um provérbio passa de boca em boca: 'A profissão do sacerdote é o caminho mais seguro para o inferno.' "

Translator: Helga - Blog: http://rainhadocanto10-evangelicalchr...


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